Introducing automatic free gift with purchase for UpsellPlus

Introducing automatic free gift with purchase for UpsellPlus

Jaap Vergote
February 28, 2023

Showing you appreciate your customers is a great way to keep them coming back. A free gift with purchase is a great way to achieve that.

Until now, you were able to add free gifts with purchase using the UpsellPlus app, but these gifts weren’t added automatically.

That’s why we built the capability to automatically add a product to the cart once certain conditions are met.

This way you can decide which product is added when to the cart, for free.

In this post we’ll cover everything you need to know about using UpsellPlus for automatically adding your Free Gift with Purchase.

What is a Free Gift with Purchase

How to configure a free gift with Purchase

Let's dive in.

What is a free gift with purchase

A Free Gift with Purchase (GWP) is a product you give the customer for free once they hit a certain condition. It can be a certain spending threshold, product add on or special gift based for a specific event.

With Shopify + UpsellPlus, these items can be added to cart automatically once certain conditions are met.

This helps you motivate your shoppers to reach a certain shipping threshold, clear some inventory or just make them extra happy.

How to configure an automatic free gift with purchase

To set up an automatic Free Gift with Purchase in the UpsellPlus app, create a new offer. Select ‘Checkout Page’. The item will be added automatically once the customer goes to the checkout.

Then, in the Checkout Upsell, scroll down to the Smart Rule section where you can set up conditions for when to apply the Free Gift with Purchase. Tick the ‘Automatically add to cart when conditions are met’ checkbox. 

The product you set up will be added automatically to the cart once the shoppers navigates to the checkout.

To make it free, we will set the discount price at 0% of the original price.

Now we just add a simple Shopify Script to apply this discount. Learn how to do that here.

Save and publish your offer and follow the steps to enable it in the app. That’s it, you have successfully set up an automatic Free Gift with Purchase.


Using Shopify and UpsellPlus to automatically give shoppers a Free Gift with Purchase is a great way to motivate them to reach certain spending thresholds.

Adding it to your store can be done in under 3 minutes and is a great way to boost AOV.

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