Introducing upselling to subscriptions in cart, checkout and post-purchase

Introducing upselling to subscriptions in cart, checkout and post-purchase

Jaap Vergote
December 23, 2022

If you have products that you sell as a subscription, you can now use UpsellPlus to let a customer upgrade from a one off purchase to a subscription in the cart, checkout and post-purchase page.

We integrate with almost all subscription apps, including the main players:

  • Recharge
  • Skio
  • Yotpo
  • Smartrr
  • Appstle

In the app, you can choose a product that has a selling plan in your subscription app. When you Tick 'Add as a subscription', you will see all the available selling plans for the selected product appear.

select a selling plan

You can add some copy in the callout banner, product title, subtitle or marketing message to make it clear to customers this is a subscription.

upsell to subscriptions in checkout

Now the upsell will be added to cart when a customers adds it, but it won't replace the item in cart yet. You can let the customer swap out a one off product for a subscription by ticking the 'Swap product in cart with upsell product variant if added' option.

upsell to subscription

You can set up smart rules so the subscription offer only shows when someone has the one-off version of the product in cart.

Using UpsellPlus you can upsell to subscription in the cart drawer, checkout and soon the post-purchase page!

Here's a video of how a client is using this latest functionality:

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