How to add post-purchase upsell offers to Shopify

How to add post-purchase upsell offers to Shopify

Chris Rausch
April 24, 2023

Are you looking to add a high-converting, simple sales strategy to your checkout process that can help improve your AOV and generate more income? Then you need a Shopify upsell app that works on your post-purchase page.

With the right strategy, you’ll be able to create upsell and cross-sell offers that appear after checkout and encourage customers to spend more money at your store. They’re an important part of any sales optimization strategy - and the best Shopify upsell app makes it even easier.

This article will discuss what a post-purchase upsell is and how to add them to your Shopify store.

What is a Shopify post-purchase offer?

shopify post-purchase checkout

When it comes to growing AOV and increasing sales, upsells and cross-sells are essential sales strategies to implement. They can be added at a variety of steps in the checkout process, including post-purchase pages where they can increase conversions by 35%.

Upselling means that you’re offering customers optional upgrades to their purchase in an attempt to get them to spend more. They may come in the form of upgrading to a newer product, improving a feature like storage or the number of resources available, increasing the quantity of the purchase, turning the one-time purchase into a subscription, and much more. 

Cross-sells are similar except instead of upgrading their purchase, you offer complementary products for them to consider. Accessories, related products, essential add-ons like batteries, and many other offers can be made to help increase average order values.

Your post-purchase page is a highly valuable location for offers because you’ve already collected the customer’s payment information. So, once you’ve convinced them to spend money in your store, it becomes easier for them to be swayed to make one or two more clicks to accept an upsell. Plus, it’s even easier to convert on your offers because you’ve already received authorization to charge their card - adding another item or upgrade is as simple as one click in certain cases. 

What post-purchase offers can help with

Upsells and cross-sells presented after checkout in Shopify are an incredibly effective, high-converting element of your sales strategy because of how easy it is for a customer to accept your offer. 

A one-click upsell that occurs after checkout can drastically improve your AOV and help to increase sales so that you can spend more on advertising to grow your business. Cross-sell offers also help you to clear out low-selling stock at discounts that you can control without needing to take customer acquisition costs into account. Plus, a one-click upsell or cross-sell can also be convenient for customers as long as you tailor your offers to their needs. Something as simple as a “Did you forget this?” with an accessory or essential tool for your product can be an easy way to add a few more dollars to each order, opening up cash flow for you to do much more with your business.

Additionally, when you implement them on your post-purchase pages, you make it extremely easy to convert the upsell or cross-sell. Customers are naturally going to be excited about making a purchase on your site, and since you’ve already convinced them to spend money on your products or services, it’s the easiest time to tack on another purchase.

All you need to do is convince them to accept your offer - there’s no need to enter payment information or complete checkout fields a second time. This opens the door for effective conversion rate optimization strategies to be implemented to help increase the odds of converting on the offer.

Best ways to increase average order value through post-purchase upsells

For the best results from your upsell and cross-sell offers on Shopify, keep these post-purchase strategies in mind.

Instill urgency

instill urgency at post-purchase upsell

While one-click upsells for Shopify make it easier to convert your upsell and cross-sell offers, you still need to implement conversion rate optimization strategies for the best results. With so little action required to convert on your offer, these CRO strategies can be even more effective than when used in other steps of the sales process

One of the most simple but effective strategies for increasing conversions is instilling urgency. When customers feel like they have to make a quick decision - and that decision is as simple as a button click - the right limited-time offer could be enough to convince them to accept. You may want to tell customers how few of a product are left, add a countdown to your page, or let them know that the offer is only available on the post-purchase page immediately

Make offers relevant

No matter how easy it is for customers to accept your offers, you won’t see success if your offers don’t make sense. A key element of successful upselling and cross-selling is tailoring the offers you provide to the product your customer is purchasing. You wouldn’t offer batteries for an item that plugs into the wall, but you may recommend an extended warranty for a kitchen appliance.

With the best upsell app for Shopify, you’ll be able to specifically tailor offers and flows to your products so that you can be certain you’re only displaying relevant recommendations that add value for customers.

Ensure offers are visible

There’s a lot of important information on the post-checkout page, so it’s easy for your o offers to get lost. If you want your customer to accept your offer, you’ll need to be sure you’re making it visible.

To start, place the offer somewhere above the fold (on the user’s screen without scrolling) and make it stand out. You could tone down other elements of the page or add a bright accent color that draws the eye to your call to action - anything to stop them from instantly leaving as soon as the purchase is confirmed.

How to enable UpsellPlus post purchase offers in your Shopify admin

1. Navigate to your Shopify Admin > Settings > Checkout

2. Scroll down to the post-purchase page section. Choose UpsellPlus Checkout Offers.

3. Click 'Save'!

Here's a quick gif of how to do this:

That’s it. Once saved, the offer will appear for your customers.

Shopify has some limitations and considerations for the post-purchase page, you can read about them here.

The main restrictions are that a post-purchase offer won’t work with:

  • Shop Pay
  • Express Payment methods (Apple Pay, Amazon)
  • Paypal does work, but you’ll have to enable it

UpsellPlus: add post purchase upsell offers with ease

Post-purchase offers, including one-click upsells for Shopify, are a simple but effective strategy for increasing your AOV and generating more revenue for your business. They should be included on pages where you’ve already received authorization to charge your customer’s payment method and work to convince customers to act immediately so that you have a better chance at converting.

With UpsellPlus, you can create custom upsell and cross-sell offers for any stage of the checkout process, including the post-purchase page. Product recommendations can be provided through an algorithm that uses customer data to find the best combinations for your offers and all offers can be A/B tested so that you can find what CTAs work best for your customer base.

Adding post-purchase one-click upsells for your Shopify store is a no-brainer - and with UpsellPlus, it’s no sweat either.

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