7 effective customizations to make to your Shopify custom checkout page

7 effective customizations to make to your Shopify custom checkout page

Chris Rausch
May 5, 2023

Shopify Checkout is a highly effective, finely-tuned process that makes it easy for anyone to successfully sell their products. With minimal setup and little to no time investment, your store can be up and running thanks to the combination of themes, product pages, and checkout. 

But, out of the box, Shopify is a one-size-fits-all solution that’s not built to maximize conversions for your store - it just sets the framework for you to tailor yourself. Fortunately, there’s a lot you can do to improve your Shopify custom checkout page for an experience tailored to your business that improves results.

If you’re looking for some ideas on how to make your Shopify custom checkout more effective, keep reading.

Why you need to customize your Shopify checkout

It’s no secret that checkout is one of your most important pages. It’s where the most crucial part of the transaction, securing payment, is accomplished so that you can complete the sale. But with 70% of carts being abandoned throughout e-commerce, it’s also the place where many sales are lost.

When you customize your Shopify checkout page, you’re helping to improve the chances of your visitors converting to customers. Your goal is to address their concerns, encourage them to make a quick decision, convince them to spend more, simplify the checkout process, and above all, get them to click “place order”.

How to customize your Shopify checkout

When it comes to changing your Shopify custom checkout, you have a few different options to choose from.

If your store is still using checkout.liquid, you can edit the checkout page’s code directly through the theme file interface. Shopify Plus stores will have access to this by default but non-Plus stores will need to upgrade to Shopify Plus to be able to customize their checkout. This method of customizing Shopify checkout requires coding knowledge, so it’s best to work with a developer. Alternatively, you can also consider implementing checkout apps like a Shopify upsell at checkout add-on that achieves the functionality you’re looking for.

For stores using Checkout Extensibility, you can make changes without editing code directly thanks to the built-in editor interface which allows for branding, style changes, and some functional changes. You may also use Shopify custom checkout extensions that allow for customizations like an upsell at checkout in Shopify that makes it easy to add, remove, or change elements of your checkout page.

7 customizations for your Shopify custom checkout page

shopify custom checkout page customizations

Ready to improve your Shopify custom checkout page and make it yours? Here are 7 customizations you should make to see the best results.

Brand your Shopify custom checkout

From start to finish, your sales process is an experience. You’ve spent a lot of time getting customers to know your name, visit your site, and consider your products - but if that experience ends in a default checkout page with no sign of your business, they may reconsider trusting you.

Branding your checkout is one of the easier things you can do, but it’s effective. Shopify’s default checkout page customizations allow for color, images, banners, and styling changes while Checkout Extensibility and apps allow you to add more elements, change designs, and more.

Customize checkout fields

Your checkout fields allow you to collect important information from your customers so that you can complete the sale effectively. However, not every business needs all of the fields included by default, so your Shopify custom checkout should consider which need to be added for a complete customer experience and which can be removed to shorten the checkout process for better conversions. For example, removing shipping information for digital goods saves time and can prevent customers from abandoning their carts.

Implement cross-sells and upsells at checkout in Shopify

upsell at checkout shopify

It’s important that your checkout page converts well, but it’s also crucial that you’re using your custom checkout page in Shopify to maximize your revenue and grow your business. Upsells and cross-sells allow you to increase average order values by making offers to your customers at checkout and on post-purchase pages that convince them to spend more. 

Implement a cross-sell or upsell at checkout in Shopify to take advantage of your improved conversion rates for generating more profit.

Add trust elements

Trust is everything when it comes to online sales. If you can’t foster trust with your store’s visitors, it’s going to be hard to convince them to spend money on your site.

By adding trust elements like badges, accolades, warranties or return policies, or support information to the checkout process, you can calm the nerves of your customers and give them one fewer reason to abandon checkout.

Display social proof

shopify upsell at checkout social proof

Similar to trust elements, social proof can help to convince customers to trust you or believe in your product. Displaying reviews, testimonials, corporate partners, the number of products you’ve sold, and any other elements that convey that others have trusted you - they should too.

Offer guest checkout

Did you know that requiring customers to make an account is the cause of nearly a quarter of all abandoned carts? Because making an account takes more time, asks for additional information, and obligates customers to future interactions with your business, many customers prefer to use guest checkout when possible.

While collecting information during account registration can be valuable to building your mailing lists, securing a sale is more important. If your business model can allow for it, consider guest checkout.

Include important information

Getting a customer to checkout is one of the hardest things to do as an online business. But the hardest thing to do is getting them to come back to checkout once they leave the first time.

If you’re able to get your customers all the way through your sales funnel and sales process, you need to convert immediately. Leaving for any reason means that you have to work extra hard to get them back to that same step - and it means your checkout page was missing something.

Solidify your Shopify custom checkout page with important information that customers may need access to so that they don’t need to leave to find it. FAQs, return policies, shipping information, and many more pieces of information may cause a customer to leave, so consider adding those to your order summary section to minimize abandoned carts.

Add UpsellPlus for Shopify upsells at checkout

Once you’ve customized your checkout page to help fuel more conversions, you’ll want to add in a Shopify upsell app so that you can take advantage of the increase in customers.

UpsellPlus helps you to build effective upsell and cross-sell offers that drive increased revenue. You can create offer flows that use conditional logic to ensure all your recommendations make sense and advanced data insights to help refine your process until you find what works best. UpsellPlus even enables post-checkout upsells for Shopify that make it easier than ever to secure an upsell or cross-sell conversion.

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