Free upsell apps for Shopify: what you need to know

Free upsell apps for Shopify: what you need to know

Chris Rausch
May 2, 2023

Everyone loves free - but is it always the right choice? When it comes to an upsell app for Shopify, the answer is almost certainly no.

Upselling and cross-selling is an important part of every Shopify custom checkout. You need to do everything you can to position your business for growth, profitability, and success - and upsell apps do just that. But, not all Shopify upsell apps are created equal.

Keep reading to learn more about free versus premium upsell apps for Shopify so that you can make the right choice for your store.

Is it worth using a free upsell app for Shopify?

benefits of an upsell app for shopify

An upsell is an offer made to a customer that allows them to upgrade their purchase in any number of ways. Customizations, quantity increases, quality increases, and more can be offered to increase the single-item value of the sale. Cross-sells aim to sell more products that are related to the primary purchase, including accessories, similar products, recommendations based on past customer data, and more.

Upselling and cross-selling are two of the best ways to grow your business. They’re a sales strategy that works to increase the amount of money your customers spend in your store so that you can get more out of your marketing budget and improve cash flow that enables growth. As a result, it’s incredibly important that you choose the right upsell app for Shopify for your store.

Paid upsell app vs free upsell app for Shopify

Whether you’re just starting your business or you’re looking for ways to increase your revenue and average order values, you’ve probably come across a wide range of upsell apps for Shopify - both free and premium.

While it may be tempting to go with the free option with the highest rating, it’s not always the best decision. There are a lot of factors that go into finding the best Shopify upsell app for your business, so you need to consider your options carefully to put yourself in the best position possible to succeed.

Because your average order value and checkout process are so crucial to the success of your business, investing into the right app that doesn’t limit your functionality is going to achieve better results over the long run. You don’t want to risk slowing the checkout process down or making your checkout less user-friendly - it could kill your conversion rates.

Why a paid upsell app might be more worth it for your Shopify store

Still not sure if a free or premium Shopify upsell app is right for you? Here are 5 reasons to make the investment.

Easier to customize

User experience is an incredibly important part of maximizing your conversions at checkout. Effective branding gives your customers the confidence to trust you with their business, and if you have another business’s credits on your free upsell module, your customers are going to think twice. Plus, premium apps are more likely to give you greater customization options like  visual builders that let you custom-tailor the look and experience of your offers.

Build better offers

build better shopify upsell app offers

The quality of your upsells and cross-sells play a major role in how effective your strategy is. You need to make reasonable, relevant, and tempting offers to your customers so that you can convert more upsells. 

With a premium upsell app for Shopify, you’ll have the ability to build your offers with conditional logic in mind so that you’re only showing relevant offers for the products in your customers’ carts. You may also be able to gain insight from past user data that your app collects to help you choose which products or upgrades to pair with your offers.

Improved integration capabilities

Much of the time, a free Shopify upsell app comes as-is. You’ve got to make the app work with limited resources which can make it harder to achieve the results you want.

Premium upsell apps for Shopify often come with additional integrations and partner with other services to provide you with comprehensive solutions that aid in making the most of your upsell and cross-sell offers. Some are even official Shopify partners that ensure you’re always getting the highest quality services possible.

Better control over placement 

When it comes to making the most of your upsell and cross-sell offers, positioning has a lot to do with conversion rates. Your goal is to make your offers visible but not intrusive so that they can reach interested customers without turning anyone away. Plus, they need to be on the pages where your customers are most vulnerable due to excitement about their purchase - cart, checkout, and post-purchase pages.

With a free Shopify upsell app, you’re going to be limited in where you can place your offers. You may be limited to just checkout or have no choice in the position of the offers on each page, limiting the amount of optimization you can do.

With a premium Shopify upsell app, you’ll have more control over positioning. You’ll also have the ability to implement a one-click upsell on your post-purchase page, helping to lock in additional revenue with an upsell or cross-sell that requires just one button press thanks to the previous purchase authorization.

Advanced data and insights

advanced stats shopify upsell app

Data is important because it helps you refine your upsell and cross-sell strategies. With the right data, you can position, style, and build your offers based on how customers are interacting with them so that you can increase conversions.

A free app may provide limited or no additional data insight at all, while premium apps often include digestible information or algorithms that help unlock better results. You’ll also find additional tools like A/B testing that make it easy to make changes that work.

Even though we aren't a free upsell app for Shopify, we do provide a free 7-day trial

If you’re considering choosing a free upsell app for Shopify, you’re in luck.

UpsellPlus offers a robust suite of features that provides all of the premium tools and functionality that we’ve highlighted - and more. From visual builders’ customizable offer flows to algorithm-guided recommendations and easy A/B testing, you’ll have everything you need for your business to thrive

Best of all, you can get 7 days for free. Get started today and see why your checkout process isn’t something to skimp on.

Boost your sales by over 20%

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